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Specialized or all-around??

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From: bobby22

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48821.18 in reply to 48821.16
Date: 9/9/2008 4:18:24 PM
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no one needs?lol...
yep noone wonna have players like brynt .jordan...and 20others in their team lol....

good joke

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From: Pallu

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48821.20 in reply to 48821.18
Date: 9/10/2008 11:52:18 AM
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no one needs?lol...
yep noone wonna have players like brynt .jordan...and 20others in their team lol....

good joke

1.: this was a reference to Hattrick
2.: where having divine attack was not/ is not at all a necessary prerequisite to win whatever you want.


This Post:
48821.21 in reply to 48821.13
Date: 9/10/2008 12:09:12 PM
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yep it is

Then it would be better to cut off skills(so for example max skill will be brilliant)..of cut off salary...then a game would look more like real word....

and yes i hate hattrick...i stop play it after 2.5years because of one can have divine attack without 2millions in red per weak....
Hope this good game will not go in that way in future!

Problem is that in real world are players deciding on their own that they would accept a transfer.. here we have boneheads which do what you want, so that's why there can't be any salary restriction, because it would be contraproductive and everyone on top would have greatest players without any barrier.. that's not good

you have to understand that if there is any factor from reality missed, you cannot have everything you want