ne znam da li ste primjetili ali draftici imaju manju plaću nego inače. ima i rasprava na stranom forumu i počelo se špekulirat da su smanjili kvalitetu igrača s drafta i konačno se dobilo službeno objašnjenje od BB-Patrick (orginal:
The new draftees still had their salaries calculated on the old method, without the salary corrections that were done in the previous seasons. This meant that draftees received more salary in their first season compared to equal players of older age with the same skillset. I believe Josef Ka pointed this out some time back.
This means indeed that starting from this season the draftees also receive the salary they are supposed to receive today, and thus aren't overpaid anymore during their first season. The overall quality of the draftees didn't change at all, though. The average skillset of each draftee is the same as in all previous seasons, just their salary is lower.
znači, sve je kao i prije. kvaliteta igrača je ista a samo im je smanjena početna plaća. tako ako se netko pita šta se desilo s njihovim igračima ne mora se brinuti sve je ok
tako da sada se može naći i igrači koji su imali 5 loptica i A+ a imaju plaću ispod 3000
Last edited by Moa1 at 11/27/2012 3:50:10 PM