No im not talking trasferring at all..over exetison tax is a seller thing. You build to sell. those player built you got exemption ,to get better players then sell them to recoup these fund or more..No penalty.. It all about stragtey. I have done it, how do you think I got 2 70K players in back to back seasons.I understand the system. I know the holes in the system. I know when to sell and when to make a move, looka t my leage the other guys are catching on . It wont be long till otheraround BB learn this as well, some already have.
It does hinder team from being successfull. To maximize exemption you have do the correct training with the player, the stronger team can always get the best trainier and create the best players. The long time veteran can build a better player than the new comer, this is a know fact, vets wont need any luck in this matter. For example a Nt coach will build a better player than alot new comers. If a manager been here 5 yrs or 20 season who is going build the better player, who is going to have best revenue to get the best trainer and do the best training??. You dont need a allstar team to stay in top level all you need is 3 good people put that 3rd good players on the bench. Sitting pretty till our new player is ready to lead and alsoyounger better as well lower salaries but higher skills. You omit to think about these things.
A low wage team cannt do this., They will have sell each time , reason why price to afford. exempt will not help them get a good team. Becuase it capped to how much you trained.Player cost 300K each avg.Bad training lower these cost. A bad player wont sell .So you have go buy a player with the exemption. once you do that you lose.
You dont seem to under anythingI say, you debate everything said sigh . I hope you do understand exemption does go back down to zero.. so please understand this part ,and how that works. then you'll understand what im saying without saying it.
Last edited by Mr. Glass at 6/16/2014 12:27:04 PM