I mean, if we would play again, with same lvl of ent, i bet i would win again at least by 12 pt
OMG man
Did you just try to say that 2 levels of enthusiasm doesn't matter??
Are you serious?

I just want to say that 1 match can't be relevant to see real difference between 2 teams. I do believe that I'm ahead 20+ comparing to your team in wednesdays circumstances (same lvl of ent, court and tactics like we had at wednesday).
Further, I'm saying that I'm like 12+ (or maybe 10+) ahead at equal lvl of ent.
Also, I think that is a question if you are in top 5 teams in todays BB, but its just my opinion ;)
If something is still unclear, look at your conference finals game.
(75486602) The facts: Superligotas home court; Goldena +2 ent ; Bognar left the game 15 min before the end.
Or maybe you forgot you've had one more round in National cup than me to build up ent
Take care and build your team for a next effort, which should be covered with better players ;)
Last edited by LA-matijag21 at 10/11/2014 11:19:56 AM