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BB Global (English) > Logo Requests Thread

Logo Requests Thread (thread closed)

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From: Plotts
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3909.180 in reply to 3909.179
Date: 2/11/2009 1:38:33 PM
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Do we have a go to guy for this? Well, whoever it is, my team is called "Justice League" it is based off the JLA or Justice League of America comic. when I signed up, I thought I could name my guys and I chose JL because of all the awesome names that come with it. Alas, I have no Batman, Red Arrow, Superman, Dr Strange, etc.

I would love if you could "borrow" from the JLA logo and perhaps the banner could have a "super patriotic" theme. Anyway, message me and let me know if this is something that tickles your fancy.


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3909.181 in reply to 3909.1
Date: 2/16/2009 1:59:32 AM
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I'm new here,so somebody please help me.
I'm just curious,after we have our logo where should I put it in this game?

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3909.183 in reply to 3909.181
Date: 2/19/2009 1:06:28 PM
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need a logo or banner BB-Mail me .check some of my work -teams 95599,37663,35328,38715 and 38624

Last edited by london sonic at 2/24/2009 4:54:04 PM

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3909.184 in reply to 3909.22
Date: 2/26/2009 3:25:21 AM
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Could u make team Logo and banner for my team?

must be written
and the color supposed to be a golden, blue and white

thx a lot
i hope u will do it

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3909.186 in reply to 3909.184
Date: 3/2/2009 6:14:51 PM
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I'd missed my logo and I need a new. If a generously soul wants to make a new logo, please contact me.

Best Regards!

From: tomats
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3909.187 in reply to 3909.186
Date: 3/3/2009 4:21:49 PM
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Hi need new logo. something is going wrong photobucker and i can't find my logo.. please healp me..

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3909.189 in reply to 3909.31
Date: 3/5/2009 12:13:10 AM
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I would like a logo and banner. Up to the designer what he puts on it as long it has "Sonic Rivals" on the banner.

From: Lövet
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3909.190 in reply to 3909.189
Date: 3/5/2009 5:02:33 AM
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Could someone make me an logo and a banner? The designer gets free hands I just want the team name in the logo and the banner ^^
