Actually, I did read what you wrote and what the poster after you wrote (which explained how getting two FULL pops in reb through cross-training was not only not easy but practically impossible) and then read your reply to him in which you deigned it unnecessary to listen to him because he has no players making over 30k/wk. I read all of that and thought I might try to explain how you didn't actually experience a FULL pop in reb but a tiny little bump in sub-level and how little cross-training will actually affect your players' salaries. You seem intent, however, on believing that cross-training will only occur in rebounding for your SG and that his salary will explode into unwanted figures. I disagree with this based on the mathematics presented by LA-elduderino and by my own scribblings on a napkin to figure out what this change might mean financially when the news came out.
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.