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BB Canada > [NT] Team Update

[NT] Team Update

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From: laziester

To: RiP
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30905.184 in reply to 30905.179
Date: 10/22/2008 7:48:44 PM
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you should be correct, but who knows if no evidence?

and my focus is not taking my player to play sf, I just suggest that uflorin can try use a player who is strong in forward skills to play at that spot instead of the player strong in guard skills. I dont care if he use my player, I just suggest using different player when using other offense tactis.

Last edited by laziester at 10/22/2008 7:52:09 PM

This Post:
30905.185 in reply to 30905.184
Date: 10/22/2008 8:36:48 PM
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Yes, we did that already, when we played different tactic

This Post:
30905.187 in reply to 30905.186
Date: 10/23/2008 3:12:37 PM
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I understand what you mean but you must realize that a SF has to have at least some decent outside skills.

In BB (I don't care about real-life here), in your opinion, is a better SF more outside-focused, inside-focused, or balanced? I realize that there are a lot of dependencies (tactics, opponent tactics, matchups, etc.)

In my opinion, all things being equal, the answer is balanced. Then you tweak from there depending on your own tactical goals and your understanding of your opponent.

Now I'm probably reading too much into what you're saying, but I believe that our current NT braintrust feels that a SF is outside-focused. That would be consistent with the player choices I've seen. It would also go towards explaining uflorin's dismissal of Look Inside as a viable tactic... if you play what's effectively a third guard as a SF at the NT level (which is precisely what we did here: (1758)), it's no surprise that Look Inside wasn't too effective.

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30905.188 in reply to 30905.187
Date: 10/23/2008 5:58:10 PM
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I agree with you. The sf should not only be the third guard, especially when using Inside offense tactics...

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30905.191 in reply to 30905.189
Date: 10/24/2008 8:56:01 AM
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I wonder how many true Canadian SFs there are out there? Besides you and me, is anyone training Canadian SFs?

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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30905.192 in reply to 30905.191
Date: 10/24/2008 9:11:51 AM
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To further the discussion, both mr_burns and I have predominately used a sf with skills much closer to Hederman than any of the ones used previously on the Canadian team, and we have done alright. Showing this formation would at the very least keep teams from ever considering a 1-3-1 unless they were just gambling.

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30905.193 in reply to 30905.192
Date: 10/24/2008 11:33:43 AM
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Who would you prefer at SF for an inside focus? Herderman or a guy with prominent IS and ID, with respectable+ in all the guard skills?

Just curious.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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30905.194 in reply to 30905.193
Date: 10/24/2008 11:55:00 AM
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I would usually prefer your option, but if say herderman had wondrous or tremendous inside shot, i would go with him if i was playing look inside.
