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Nbrs are falling - Buzzerbeater whats wrong & how can it be fixed?

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251069.188 in reply to 251069.11
Date: 12/12/2013 6:00:06 PM
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To me the fans are brutal making it hard to keep cash to improve and that needs to be fixed....In general I think the it should be easier to maintain a positive cash flow for teams that are active and not being silly with free agents. There are teams in my Div that have virutally no American players and they are making bank....what is that all about. I love the game, the game engine is second to none. It is why I am a paying member..but I admit it irks me to no end that I have fans that expect things that are just unrealistic and have a tizzy when i sell a bench riding player. I will go deep in debt while I wait nearly 3 weeks for a home game...the off season should be shorter of we should have opportunities to stop the hemmorging in money that that the guys who finsihed 6th and 7th have...It would have been better for me to finish 6th and get two home games that pay than too finish 4th, have a fan base that hates me and get put out in the first round by a team ranked 400 places ahead of that what they want, everyone to tank? Tanking is already too rewarded...also this thing where teams can play with 3 or 4 players is silly, make them play with 5. I cant stand when I set a scrimmage and the other team shows up with 4 players...that is no fun to watch and I cant gauge my players and at no level in bball is it allowed.....Having said all this, I still love the game and hope they keep working to make it better....perhaps fixing those type things would be better than the silly guessing game we had during scrimmages where you guess what they will play and what pace...wth is that.

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251069.189 in reply to 251069.188
Date: 12/12/2013 6:18:47 PM
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One man has to say something to you about scrimmages:

This Post:
251069.190 in reply to 251069.187
Date: 12/12/2013 7:03:30 PM
Fab Five
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Second Team:
Fabulous Five
People is paying for free-to-play games a lot of money. I usually play LoL and I just heard about Clash of Clans making 2,5 M a day or 100 dolars per user. I think Buzzerbeater is never going to be massive but the BB's should look for ways to give the players willing to spend money a way to do it. I am suporter because I spend a lot of time in this game, I can pay for it and I want this game to succeed, not because I could miss any features of suporter. For example, if people is willing to pay suporter to have a second team ¿why not?

This Post:
251069.191 in reply to 251069.188
Date: 12/12/2013 7:29:45 PM
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Tanking is already too rewarded..

I liked your post Pistol Pete.

There is a lot to like about this game and I think overall the owners of the game have done a good job.

Recent innovations such as bid history and achievements I believe have been good and show to me that the owners of the game have not abandoned it.

If I was to summarise the posts in this thread it would read;

Tanking is too rewarding (yes i tanked this season and made about 3 and a half mill), needs fixing
LI has been too dominant for too long, needs fixing
Apps need to be created to help promote the game
Supporters to be allowed to have a second team in another country (not sure that I agree)
More encouragement to get Managers to train players (so they get attached)
Quality control feedback system via Survey Monkey or the like
New Managers to start in lowest possible grade
An additional cup tournament that is run on a divisional level with possibility of regions of several smaller nations being created for this idea
More help for new Managers (some talk of increased mentoring)

Some have suggested and many have argued against

Speeding up the game and training (Im oppossed to this myself)

Additional ideas of mine

With regards to help for new Managers, what about a pop up message with a suggestion each time they log in?

If the owners of the game are short of time, money or enthusiam, why dont they float an expression of interest on the site for a current Manager playing the game, to buy a part ownership of the game.

Potential investors would have to be checked out in real life and it might be a criteria that they have programming skills.

Another idea of mine is to have annual awards for each country.

Could be done either via voting of Team Managers or via data on the system based on team performance

Categories could include;

Best new Managers (less than 4 seasons or one calender year)
Best long term Manager (been in game longer than 3 calender years)
Best trainee under 21 & under 24
Most active member

This Post:
251069.193 in reply to 251069.185
Date: 12/12/2013 11:17:34 PM
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Battrick has had 2nd teams for some time. Neither team can trade with each other. They have made it you can not even see the players for sale on your other team.

It has worked in it added players to the smaller nations and give them a deeper pool for NTs and also more active peaple in each league.

This Post:
251069.194 in reply to 251069.192
Date: 12/12/2013 11:17:53 PM
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Second Team:
Smallfries II
I've missed a lot that is on here but to go back to the second team and cheating....can't they easily track teams based on email? So make sure you sign up the second team with the same email that way they can track you? Or some how link the team IDs together so that your same username shows up for each and when you click on a team, there will be an icon on the team page to see their second team? If that makes since?

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251069.195 in reply to 251069.194
Date: 12/12/2013 11:20:22 PM
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I've missed a lot that is on here but to go back to the second team and cheating....can't they easily track teams based on email? So make sure you sign up the second team with the same email that way they can track you? Or some how link the team IDs together so that your same username shows up for each and when you click on a team, there will be an icon on the team page to see their second team? If that makes since?

I don't know how Hattrick implemented it since they stopped getting my money a few years ago, but the teams are essentially linked - and IIRC correctly they list the linked team's name on the other team.

This Post:
251069.196 in reply to 251069.191
Date: 12/12/2013 11:38:20 PM
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1717 have some good ideas...I like the idea of training going older as well. I think it is a bad myth that people train best at 18 or 19..i think 22-25 year olds in real life train even better sometimes. more mature and willing to learn. I also like the idea of more managerial control. Personally I would like to control my lineup during the game, and think that should be a feature that advanced users could have. But I agree for all my complaints that these guys do a great job, and this is one of the best sports games out there and the best bball game hands down...but there are some good ideas to make it better. Im not sure I like the ones they pick, lol. I did like the way you can see players within your league that are both hurt and on the wire, that was good. LI is a problem and that has been the biggest problem I have heard in the years I have been playing. personally I never play it, so I know Im swimming upstream.

This Post:
251069.197 in reply to 251069.196
Date: 12/13/2013 3:26:10 AM
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I agree on the part that something should be done about the training, your idea sounds great to me. I agree on the early-twenty-part. I personally would also really like to see training change in the way that one would be able to train 4 trainees if I'd have 4 or 7 (but less effective ofcourse) if I feel like it. And being able to train one passing, the other one jump shooting and some others both (also less effective). I believe that if new managers would have that opportunity they'd be able to grow much faster and be more succesfull. They might have (a bit) more income from their fans and internationally it would mean more competition and managers sticking with the game cause of their own product. They'd feel more attatched. It's so much easier now to just buy a cheap foreign player with nice stats then to train one. A shame in my opinion.

Last edited by Finkie at 12/13/2013 3:58:31 AM

This Post:
251069.198 in reply to 251069.191
Date: 12/13/2013 4:52:16 AM
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I once sent an inquiry about buying (a stake of) the game and never got an answer. Me and a group of friends had some "venture capital", but ever since the game is riding the downwards spiral, so...

We had such Awards last season in Austria, the german GM who started the topics in the forum has abandoned them, so nie we have a handful of useless stickies. The impression that this game will be abandoned one day grows stronger and stronger....

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular