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Offseason Salaries

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205854.19 in reply to 205854.18
Date: 1/14/2012 11:03:54 AM
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You know that 99.5 % of the players leaving leave because of it not beeing an all graphic click and win game, don´t you?

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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205854.20 in reply to 205854.19
Date: 1/14/2012 2:18:46 PM
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You know that 99.5 % of the players leaving leave because of it not beeing an all graphic click and win game, don´t you?

Where did you get that number? Out of a magic hat?

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205854.26 in reply to 205854.21
Date: 1/15/2012 4:57:19 PM
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Kinda basic with these kind of games. When they see they have to actually spend some time to win they are gone like the wind.
I know people that didn't even bother to log on when they had to wait for their team to be created so ^^

Maybe thats true for new users.

But that does not explain a decline from ~60k users to less than 50k in one year. In Austria we lost dozens of established teams that played the game a very long time... Why do these users leave? Not hard to imagine why...

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205854.27 in reply to 205854.26
Date: 1/15/2012 5:49:56 PM
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Kinda basic with these kind of games. When they see they have to actually spend some time to win they are gone like the wind.
I know people that didn't even bother to log on when they had to wait for their team to be created so ^^

Maybe thats true for new users.

But that does not explain a decline from ~60k users to less than 50k in one year. In Austria we lost dozens of established teams that played the game a very long time... Why do these users leave? Not hard to imagine why...

And apparently (and not surprisingly), what I've thought about the other BB-nation, that has some "new" teams, seems to be precise.
It is not that they where over-bitten by a team that had the ability to go over the huge money that just continue to pile up, but they where just leaving the game (due to their own reasons).
So, again, my claim for a game that needs massive changes, due to uncompetitiveness and other reasons, seems to be simply CORRECT.

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205854.28 in reply to 205854.27
Date: 1/15/2012 5:52:40 PM
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Huh? Because users in leagues where they can be competitive rather soon are leaving, your claim that the game is uncompetitve is true?

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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205854.29 in reply to 205854.28
Date: 1/15/2012 6:42:13 PM
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Much as I hate to jump on the Pini bandwagon I will point out something.

The GMs keep telling us that things are fine and balanced. That the 2-3 zone works. That LI isn't better than all the other tactics. That coming 5th isn't better than coming 4th. That the draft isn't broken. That micronations work. That the salaries for big men are fine. That free agents pushing prices for $50,000 a week big men down to $200,000 is good. That it is still worth training when the prices of players is so low.

The trouble is the players don't believe it and the BBs silence doesn't convince anyone. I don't know how much time the BBs spend working on the game but surely between the group of them (I don't even know how many there are they are so low profile) they can find five minutes once a week to actually say something. Surely. Right now there is a feeling amongst some of the player base that there are obvious problems and that nothing is being done about them. They feel like the BBs are using the Ostrich tactic rather than communicating with them.

Not wanting to be all doom and gloom let me say there have been a ton of positives. The site is working much better than last season. No training delays in recent memory. Games all running well. Transfer market operating. Some of the new features like polls and ranking ladders are cool.

It is claimed that the BBs read all the suggestions. What I would love to see is once a week they just take five minutes to reply to a few. Some positive news, even if it is spin or propaganda would make the playerbase in general much more happy to at least feel like they are being heard.

There is always a massive turnover in a game like this. I have probably signed up to 10 similar games and this is the best, the others have lost me. Lets make the game work and arrest the declining numbers. Some new features even cosmetic ones would be good. The game is sensational even with the issues, the PR and advertising is pitiful.

Last edited by yodabig at 1/15/2012 6:42:44 PM
