but when the sg play it to end your training wouldn't screwed up, since you still could fix it since most likely your second trainee come in , at least most would design it as an rescue line.
Well, no.
Maybe the substitution has already played 48min in that position (if this isn't the first game of the week, this is very likely) and so all the minutes added are useless. Moreover, if you didn't notice, the system swaps many times players, so you will NEVER get a player to play it to end, but your SG will get 10mins, another SG 12mins, the SF 5mins... just an example.
So, managing training is almost impossible in this scenario, you can get a player full training, the other 2 will be like 38mins and 35mins which are still good values, but not the best (now with the cross-training it's even worse).
Again: the point here is NOT training, but that you threw a game, that's the sad part.
Last edited by Biffo (*DT Member) at 1/28/2012 1:16:33 PM