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massage ruin GS???

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From: w_alloy
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229153.19 in reply to 229153.18
Date: 11/7/2012 1:57:08 AM
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I have no evidence either way, but my guess is that this "End of the season hard to maintain GS" problem is a result of people more easily recalling negative GS variance close to playoffs compared to positive variance at this time or negative variance other times. These types of memory biases are very common and it is easy for me to imagine why people might experience negative variance at this time more strongly.

As someone who has played over a million hands of poker, the tendency of the human brain to find fake patterns in randomness never ceases to amaze me (myself included).

Last edited by w_alloy at 11/7/2012 1:58:16 AM

This Post:
229153.21 in reply to 229153.19
Date: 11/7/2012 3:10:15 AM
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I run a database of minutes played, starting GS, and ending GS on my team, so my observation is comparable to prior GS change behavior throughout the past three seasons. The latest two seasons' final weeks do show higher incidences of either non-increases or drops in GS when compared to similar minutes played thresholds at other times in the season. My first season stayed consistent, though, so this could just be randomness.