I think it could be a nice option...but not for all skills... just a few ones like stamina or FTs
oposite for me here.
Stamina and free trows not only train very fast with any level trainer, they also train the whole team, so having to train these skills not only improves them, but the rest of the playes as well. Also by training these, you do not take away a players training by having his postion taken, and it also does not hurt your games, since you don't have to relocate the players.
I'd more like to see this for those nasty VERY low skills players have that cost too much time to raise to a 'normal' level while having to relocate the player, and having the other player who normally plays the spot have less training time on his own position...
The player won't be worsth much more if he was pitiful or awfull in a skill which isn't primary or secondary for his position anyway, so economy should not be a factor. But it is nice to see him progress away from that very low skill after the many seasons he is in your team.
It can also be used as a stimulance against daytrading. Say you need to have the player in your team for at least 7 weeks before he even could get such a pop, and the longer he is in your team, the more frequently he has a chance to get pops for his low skills that are not primary, nor secondary for his best position...
I'm just brainstorming here, but there is some potential in this idea, without changing (hurting) the economy in any way.
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