Mloty were 1 point away from dropping out of the BBB. Won after overtime
Thanks for the update, in the end though it looks like it was a nice win for him against a quality opponent away from home.
Quite good rankings from both teams
darkonza (Mloty Stargard) was good enough to reply to a bbmail I sent him.
He is of the belief that the GDP is too strong at this level and has made the results a bit dependent on luck (correctly using the GDP)
Im glad he won tonight though, he seems like a nice bloke and he is obviously a fine manager.
I also couldnt help noticing that you had a pretty decent team yourself which I guess is underlined by your number 8 ranking in the world.
What chance do you give yourself in this tournament and who are the teams that you believe are most likely to still be in action come the quarter finals?