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Attendance Bug?

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273379.20 in reply to 273379.19
Date: 1/31/2016 2:49:20 PM
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The last three home games.

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273379.21 in reply to 273379.20
Date: 2/1/2016 4:05:01 AM
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Second Team:
Selling key players can also affect the fans mood. That said, looking at your numbers, seems like there is something illogical going on with your prices, since you have so many luxury boxes and courtside seats, lowering their prices somehow negatively affected your overall gate receipt income. I guess a balance with ticket prices needs to be struck there, as your low prices and high seat numbers may be the cause of the problem. Try upping the luxury box prices during the next update and well see what happens there.

Having full capacity in just one of the seat types is never a good thing, meaning that those prices are too low.

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273379.22 in reply to 273379.21
Date: 2/1/2016 6:53:14 AM
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Did you mean low tier and bleachers instead of luxury boxes and courtside seats, respectively?

Cause I didn't lose any courtside and luxury boxes income, due to their change of prices, the opposite.

My problem is that although I lowered low tiers as well(by one dollar), I have a drop of 8000 seats(bleacher and low tier) in attendance and 120k in gate, comparing to the middle of the season(gameday 13).

This week, i was down 5000(BL+LT) seats in attendance and 80k in gate receipts, comparing to gameday 15 that I played against the 4 player roster, 7k salaries, winless enjoy bulls...

Could these drops be largely due to lowering the luxury boxes price, in order to fill them up?

This Post:
273379.23 in reply to 273379.22
Date: 2/1/2016 9:59:23 AM
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Second Team:
Yes, exactly, because they are connected, having too low luxury box prices could result in not filling up others.

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273379.24 in reply to 273379.23
Date: 2/1/2016 10:29:16 AM
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I take your word for it without hesitation and accept that this is not a bug and within normal standards.

Having said that, since that is the case, i am truly mortified with the way the engine is set up.

If lowering the luxury boxes price from 530 to 505$, increases their capacity from 40 to 50 but also (mainly)causes a drop of 5000-8000 BL+LTs, then this is something that must be urgently looked at.
More so, when it reduces economically sensible managers to income and profit, similar to "worse than bot" teams.

Nonetheless, I appreciate and thank you both, for your time and replies.

*edit: i lowered the luxury boxes prices from 520 to 505$

Last edited by maddoghellas at 2/2/2016 7:40:21 AM

From: 1766
This Post:
273379.25 in reply to 273379.23
Date: 2/2/2016 12:08:32 PM
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Slightly off topic but I just played a home playoff game, and only received 50% of the gate receipts. Isn't it 2/3 for the home team in the playoffs? Does anyone else have this issue? Thanks.

From: 1766

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273379.27 in reply to 273379.26
Date: 2/2/2016 2:22:12 PM
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Thanks, didn't realise it was changed, I'm still catching up on all of the game's changes since way back when I had my first team lol