Joža Ukmar
(35802443)His current skills:
6.9/9.x/7.x 10.5/9.4/8.6 7.4/11.0/8.5/4.9
x=I don't know the sublevel as I did not train him in that skill. Where the sublevel is shown, that's the conservative end of the possible range.
He has near perfect height (6'7'') and potential for a SF and could turn into something like this at 27 with a 4 level coach:
14/9/16 16/16/10 14/13/10/5
The initial asking price should be appealing considering what's being asked for much worse players at the moment, but I might compete in the auction to retain him if I feel the final price is too low.
Also I have no idea if your U21 manager is planning to keep him in your U21 squad (I'm doubtful), you should ask him directly.