1. Play the game for a long time * This is one of my favorites game.2. Suck in the Cup* Even i win my national cup, i have plenty weeks to flagchasing...
You once deleted a message from me soliciting scrimmages on the flag chase page. You ought to practice what you preach, Superfly.
1. Play the game for a long time * This is one of my favorites game.2. Suck in the Cup* Even i win my national cup, i have plenty weeks to flagchasing... This is another tip for flag chasers, but supporters only get to use it to its full potential:Use the World Map to seek out online users. 1. Click on the country whose flag you are seeking2. Click on the 'online users' link3. Click on the team you want to challenge.SUPPORTER FEATURE: It even tells you who is available for a challenge. Very nice feature, BB!If you're already using this, don't mind me. I'm slow. I just discovered it this week and thought it was cool.
You once deleted a message from me soliciting scrimmages on the flag chase page. You ought to practice what you preach, Superfly.I think you should check your facts... if indeed i did (which is highly unlikely) it was by mistake not by intention.