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BB Slovenija > prodam igralca

prodam igralca

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254397.191 in reply to 254397.190
Date: 8/11/2015 10:07:46 AM
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Ga bom jaz kupil. Takšne skille, kot si objavil, verjetno ne bo imel, ker ni dovolj časa do takrat, pa 198 cm je visok in ZO ter še posebej razdaljo meta je pri takšni višini kar težko trenirati. Pa paše mi v trening plan s Šegulo in Tadejem, če ga uspem kupiti.

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254397.192 in reply to 254397.191
Date: 8/11/2015 10:29:09 AM
Savlje BC
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Second Team:
Berlin BC
Ce drugega ne ti ga cez par sezon lahko odkupim, k mi bo morda pasal v trening plan - nekako se kar navezem na draftirance, predvsem pa imam raje slovenske igralce v ekipi

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254397.193 in reply to 254397.192
Date: 8/11/2015 10:31:40 AM
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TheButchers ga je kupil, ker mu paše v trening plan z Juvancem. Lahko bi ga sicer kupil tudi jaz, ampak dva NT treniranca v enopozicijskem treningu je nekako idealno, ker trije so že preveč, jaz sem pa ga šel kupovati bolj kot reševalno akcijo kot kaj drugega.

From: tevz89

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254397.194 in reply to 254397.193
Date: 8/11/2015 10:34:07 AM
The Butchersi
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Second Team:
Evo dobil sem ga:)
Sedaj pa trenirat...;)
Vsekakor bo pasal v trening z Juvancem in Stritarjem, če pa ne bom zmogel več, pa sporočim...vsekakor pa sva na vezi Koperbox, da mi boš povedal, če vsi 3je uredu napredujejo...

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254397.195 in reply to 254397.194
Date: 8/11/2015 10:47:16 AM
Savlje BC
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Berlin BC
Sem res vesel da je prišel v Slovenske roke Kot rečeno ni idealen treniranec, vseeno pa ima potencial da vsaj od blizu povoha repko nekega dne

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254397.196 in reply to 254397.193
Date: 8/11/2015 11:12:20 AM
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Vse ste mi pobral,a bo še kaj zame ostalo?

From: chabal

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254397.197 in reply to 254397.196
Date: 8/11/2015 11:41:35 AM
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Kaj pa, ce bi malo bolj odprl denarnico?

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254397.198 in reply to 254397.187
Date: 8/12/2015 8:59:40 AM
Savlje BC
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Second Team:
Berlin BC

No, nekaj takega sem imel v mislih, da bi se dalo iz igralca ki sem ga prodajal strenirati. Seveda ne pri 26 letih, ampak nekje do 28-29. leta pa sigurno

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254397.199 in reply to 254397.198
Date: 8/12/2015 10:28:10 AM
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Joža Ukmar (35802443)

His current skills:
6.9/9.x/7.x 10.5/9.4/8.6 7.4/11.0/8.5/4.9
x=I don't know the sublevel as I did not train him in that skill. Where the sublevel is shown, that's the conservative end of the possible range.

He has near perfect height (6'7'') and potential for a SF and could turn into something like this at 27 with a 4 level coach:
14/9/16 16/16/10 14/13/10/5

The initial asking price should be appealing considering what's being asked for much worse players at the moment, but I might compete in the auction to retain him if I feel the final price is too low.

Also I have no idea if your U21 manager is planning to keep him in your U21 squad (I'm doubtful), you should ask him directly.

This Post:
254397.200 in reply to 254397.199
Date: 8/12/2015 11:38:57 AM
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I don't think you should link the price to his potential, as he will probably never reach it because of age and he may as well be a Superstar. Good job on the sublevels though, very nice. Also target skills are very realistic. Too bad he won't play for our NT, but he can become a starting SF for D.I.

This Post:
254397.201 in reply to 254397.200
Date: 8/12/2015 12:05:45 PM
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Yeah he won't cap at 9 potential for sure, but at least you won't have the problem to be wary of what to train and when because he might accidentally cap, like you would for a Perennial All-Star and, if you're unlucky that the Potential sublevels are very low, for a Superstar.

I mentioned potential because of what is currently on the TL: you can find players with similar TSP, with not ideal height and much worse potential (PAS and less) and check for yourself what's currently being asked for them.

I honestly don't want to mislead anyone, this is clearly not a short term project, but for people who are planning to train guards in the next 3-4 seasons this guy could be a very good idea. Ideally I would have taken him to a double figure in RB, but I have been kind of forced to list him a little earlier.

He should pop or get very close in rebounding on Friday.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 8/12/2015 12:29:01 PM
