Not sure who you were replying to there but you raise a lot of points.
I don't really like the idea of the NT manager telling people how to train. Though I wouldn't really object if the next manager wants to do that. It might be a better idea for those managers who feel they know how to train to make more of an effort to teach those who don't, if they really care about the NT.
Not really sure what you mean about newer managers housing NT guys. That's not a good idea in D3 and possibly not the best idea in D2 either. Mentoring new managers is a good idea in itself though, and would help the community in general by encouraging people to stick around.
Your third point is a big one. I don't feel I can criticise players on the NT, as in a sense I'm criticising people who have gone out of their way to produce those players for us. However, I will say, as I often have, that rounded players are better than those one dimensional players you don't like. As for SB, you're surely aware that for a long time everyone (or at least 99% of people) saw SB training as a waste. That leads to players like Simpson not having as much as I'd like. I won't comment on any other members of the squad. My opinion on SB is well known to some, as it has been for a number of seasons/years.
I haven't seen the build of a lot of other talent but it strikes me that it would take a group of minimum 10 managers working together over 2-3 years real time to pull of a successful NT project off
Those people would have to sacrifice their own teams in order to train for the NT. I'd never initiate something like that. I would like to see more interest in the NT but I think I'm in the minority.