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Flag Chase

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1228.196 in reply to 1228.195
Date: 4/4/2008 9:39:11 AM
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1. Play the game for a long time * This is one of my favorites game.
2. Suck in the Cup* Even i win my national cup, i have plenty weeks to flagchasing...

This is another tip for flag chasers, but supporters only get to use it to its full potential:

Use the World Map to seek out online users.
1. Click on the country whose flag you are seeking
2. Click on the 'online users' link
3. Click on the team you want to challenge.

SUPPORTER FEATURE: It even tells you who is available for a challenge. Very nice feature, BB!

If you're already using this, don't mind me. I'm slow. I just discovered it this week and thought it was cool.

Last edited by MagicMan at 4/4/2008 9:39:24 AM

This Post:
1228.197 in reply to 1228.194
Date: 4/4/2008 9:59:59 AM
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You once deleted a message from me soliciting scrimmages on the flag chase page. You ought to practice what you preach, Superfly.

No, that was me that did that.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
1228.198 in reply to 1228.196
Date: 4/4/2008 11:06:22 AM
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1. Play the game for a long time * This is one of my favorites game.
2. Suck in the Cup* Even i win my national cup, i have plenty weeks to flagchasing...

This is another tip for flag chasers, but supporters only get to use it to its full potential:

Use the World Map to seek out online users.
1. Click on the country whose flag you are seeking
2. Click on the 'online users' link
3. Click on the team you want to challenge.

SUPPORTER FEATURE: It even tells you who is available for a challenge. Very nice feature, BB!

If you're already using this, don't mind me. I'm slow. I just discovered it this week and thought it was cool.

Yep, i was forgoting to set up a friendly and i took advantage of this to get the flag of deutschland

This Post:
1228.199 in reply to 1228.193
Date: 4/4/2008 2:32:56 PM
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Thanks, Iwas just thinking of doing the same (linking team ID). I'll update the the list, if nobody does it before me (yes that spells volunteer...)

This Post:
1228.200 in reply to 1228.194
Date: 4/4/2008 2:41:27 PM
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You once deleted a message from me soliciting scrimmages on the flag chase page. You ought to practice what you preach, Superfly.

I think you should check your facts... if indeed i did (which is highly unlikely) it was by mistake not by intention.

This Post:
1228.201 in reply to 1228.200
Date: 4/4/2008 2:41:59 PM
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You once deleted a message from me soliciting scrimmages on the flag chase page. You ought to practice what you preach, Superfly.

I think you should check your facts... if indeed i did (which is highly unlikely) it was by mistake not by intention.

He somehow confused me with you.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
1228.202 in reply to 1228.201
Date: 4/4/2008 2:48:25 PM
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no worries its 345am and i have to be up at 6 to catch a train to play golf (irrelevant in the BB world but wtf) i come home to a nice bid on my PG i can still type at 30 wpm and i am now going to rest my head...)

Woe betide the user that accuses me of something that i have not done...ban cheating swedish teams - yes. ban chinese cheating teams yes - but to delete a message asking for a scrimmage... I SAY NO, NO ans THRICE NO...


This Post:
1228.203 in reply to 1228.202
Date: 4/5/2008 2:41:39 AM
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Sorry Superfly. I confused you with Juicepats. My mistake. The point is to post scrimmage ads in the scrimmage thread. That's what I was told, and it makes sense.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
1228.204 in reply to 1228.203
Date: 4/5/2008 6:20:03 AM
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Hi Everybody.... in the new ranking I'm out for so short, just 3 flags... but I swear I'll get in next season...(if the random kicks me off the cup again vs a BOT, like this season it won't be that difficult).... next week Ukraina...

this post isn't useless as it may seems at first glance: where can be found a Rarity list of the flags?

hope this helps me and others flagchasers

This Post:
1228.205 in reply to 1228.204
Date: 4/5/2008 7:00:23 AM
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rarity is basically based off of how many active users a country has. if a country only has 3 users then that would be really rare that you would be able to get that flag. if you got a flag with italy with over 1,000 active users then that would not be very impressive.

This Post:
1228.206 in reply to 1228.205
Date: 4/5/2008 1:30:31 PM
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rarity is basically based off of how many active users a country has. if a country only has 3 users then that would be really rare that you would be able to get that flag. if you got a flag with italy with over 1,000 active users then that would not be very impressive.

That's basically what I'm doing.

Bang out the rare flags now and then cruise in on the big countries.

9 of my 31 flags are from nations with 25 or less users, 6 of those from nations of 10 or less

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live