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BB Global (English) > Shotblocking: Good or Bad?

Shotblocking: Good or Bad?

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From: LBJisaCancer

To: ig
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205736.198 in reply to 205736.181
Date: 6/4/2012 2:33:52 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
The problem of SB is that it boosts the salary of big men for almost no profit. In fact, the number of blocks made by a player hardly exceeds 2 per game. The difference in the salary might be twice bigger, and in the higher levels it can be measured by $100K and even more. A way too much to pay for maximum 2 extra possessions in the game. So I'm absolutely among those who claim that SB should never be trained, and furthermore I personally prefer that it should not pop at all during ID training.

Ok, 2 blocks per game... How many shots are missed, but not blocked?
What's the improvement to the Opp field goal % allowed?

If players were hitting 60% on guy, but now its 35% and he gets 2 blocks per game... that translates to a lot more than 2 possessions per game.

From: lamchops

To: ig
This Post:
205736.199 in reply to 205736.183
Date: 6/4/2012 3:21:43 PM
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So how many more possessions will two levels of ID get you?
Also, as a believe Manon said, SB is also a form of defense and redirects shots. I also believe that it applies pressure as the shot is released, so it can make the shooter less accurate. There's a study going on about it right now. I would like to see the effect of decent SB on the opponents pp100.

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205736.201 in reply to 205736.200
Date: 6/4/2012 3:28:57 PM
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lol. Give me the player, and I'll do it...

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205736.203 in reply to 205736.202
Date: 6/4/2012 5:03:29 PM
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Yeah, working on Guards right now... I figure once I get to D. III and can manage finances and have vets.etc to keep me competitive in D.III I could spend the time on what I call "The Ben Wallace Project"

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From: ig

This Post:
205736.205 in reply to 205736.196
Date: 6/5/2012 9:58:18 AM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Jerusalem TET Utopia
WOW! I've been in this game since season 8 and had no clue about SB at all! Now all my thoughts about the worthiness of this skill really changed. Thanks a lot for this post and 1 ball from me for teaching me something new in the game after so many seasons
