The 300k isn't the problem, the weekly salaries will be... Start out with a lvl 1 trainer and train FT our stamina! You will save 20k/week and still be able to upgrade your players. And in 5 weeks you will have saved 100k which will buy you a lvl5 trainer easily...
4) To answer another question that has been raised on here, staff salaries do not go up indefinitely, as it would make no sense for a level 2 staff member to eventually be making $100k/week. So if you really ignore your staff, you'll end up overpaying by a decent factor, but if you're willing to pay higher prices, you can keep a staff member forever and opt out of the system in that way, too.
* Doctors---> Injuries OK / Doctors --> Game Shape ??? Don´t like at all.* Trainers---> Old-player skills OK / Trainers ---> Stamina ??? Don´t like.* PR manager --> Both OK.