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Lietuvos U-21

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From: GM-Boria

This Post:
321581.197 in reply to 321581.191
Date: 3/18/2024 8:10:26 PM
Vilniaus BRIGADA
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Oficialus atsakymas:
Nieko jis nepažeidė, kalba švari, neprežengtos jokios ribos. Verdiktas- nėra už ką bausti.

Žmogiškas atsakymas:
Kas mum lietuviam nutiko? Kažkoks noname patrashtalkino ir mes į krūmus bėgam, pas GM kaip pas mamą. Unethical, jo sure, gulinčio spardyt nereiktų, bet jei tiksliai pamenu tai po NT pergalės mūsiškiai siautėjo jų forume (nu bent jau DC tai tikrai), o dabar pliuha gavom ir ieškom kaltų? Žaidimo dalis trashtalkas yra tai nėra ko pykt.
Man kaip tik šitas komentaras smagus yra, parodo, kad jiem skauda dėl to pralaimėjimo, kad bando per Andoras kažkokias įkąst. Mūsų tolimesni tikslai turėtų būti, Vilko palaikymas, žaidėjų auginimas ir rinktinių remimas, kaip kas galim.

Last edited by GM-Boria at 3/18/2024 8:12:43 PM

Founded in S7 | Returned in S30
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This Post:
321581.199 in reply to 321581.198
Date: 3/19/2024 1:25:29 AM
Komjaunimo Tiesa
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Second Team:
Komjaunimo Tiesa II
neaptarinek personalo darbo forume, nes tai pazeidzia taisykles, gausi irgi po to septyndiene

This Post:
321581.200 in reply to 321581.191
Date: 3/19/2024 7:57:09 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Hey man, don't worry at all. He's clearly provoking you like he did on Andorra's Forum and by BB-Mail with me. Is just the way he is a a person; nothing less, nothing more.

Furthermore, he isn't trying to help Andorra. He is just helping Israel...
Playing mot on first game might get you a big W, but sacrificing the next 2-3 games against teams who are weaker and should have been W for Andorra.
On the other hand, you (the 2n best team on the group) now start with a lose and that means Israel can breathe more and have margin if something wrong happens.

Ah, and by the way if you want to see something really funny, go check Andorra's elections. Then check past elections. Compare % of voting.
Then go to see how many teams were created on season 63 (only 3 days apart) and check their managers, teams and stadium names Then ask a GM to check on the method they were created (proxy ) and after that the last thing you need to know is that none of those teams replied my BB-Mails in "Català" (Andorra's official language) and didn't show up in BB for a few weeks until the last day of elections

Clearly there is nothing wrong in all of that and it's worth it after the project we develope this last 4 seasons while getting 36W and 19L, the best results ever.

I'm sure you will found it as funny as I do

Good luck the rest of the season, you deserve it!

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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321581.201 in reply to 321581.200
Date: 3/19/2024 8:41:13 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Kritulio Urėdija
Ah man, we've had our elections highjacked by farm accounts, so we defo know how you feel.

And you know what the actually funny part of this is? Our Israeli CM and the NT team coach of Israel is the biggest advocate of punishing pic/pic agreements. And guess who's a good friend of our dear CM and is in the coaching staff of Israel NT? The U21 coach of Israel! This was clearly done behind our dear CM's back and he didn't know anything about it:).

Collusion? No way. Some of us are just more equal than others.

This Post:
321581.203 in reply to 321581.201
Date: 3/19/2024 9:02:59 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Well, I didn't want to say it in my first post because someone might think I'm being paranoid about it, but now that you bring our dear CM- into the topic... Yeah, that is really funny indeed

Someone who has proved over the years that he is rude through his posts doesn't deserve to be part of this game in any kind of "work" (not to mention his zero skills doing his current job on instagram for example). He's been on tons of Forum and NT troubles; we know him well in the Spanish Community too!
I do not want to apologize for a hate speech but it seems "strange" at least.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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This Post:
321581.205 in reply to 321581.204
Date: 3/19/2024 9:07:00 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Yes "baby" alon didn't posted for almost a year and now is an active manager? wow what a surprise

Last edited by LA-Gerard (g3rjo) at 3/19/2024 9:07:32 AM

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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