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Training Positions

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102727.2 in reply to 102727.1
Date: 7/25/2009 8:59:59 PM
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The game has it set up to where if you train one position on one training session then he will get better dramatically. Where as if you do 2 positions on one training session then they will get better but not great. If you train 3 then they get better gradually but it'll take a while. And if you train your whole team then the team will get better but very slowly.

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102727.3 in reply to 102727.1
Date: 7/25/2009 9:17:45 PM
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Every player who gets 48+ minutes gets full training. Anyone getting less gets reduced training.

The other thing to note is that only players who PLAY minutes at the positions getting trained receive training. So if you are training pressure (PG only) and you have players whose "best position" is PG but only receive minutes at C and PF on your team they will not receive training. (you might already know this, but your wording hints that there might be some confusion there)

From: Rice

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102727.4 in reply to 102727.1
Date: 7/27/2009 11:39:50 AM
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I was wondering the same thing.. For example, i train for outside shooting (SG) - assuming i have both a 6'10 and a 6'11 (SGs) and play them at C and PF in a game or scrimmage for 48 mins each. Do they also rapidly improve in OS along my with SG playing the actual position?

From: IronDoofus

To: Rice
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102727.5 in reply to 102727.4
Date: 7/27/2009 11:42:20 AM
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You only get training for the players who actually played at the trained position that week. So if you play two guys at C and PF, but train SG, only the players who played SG that week will get training. It doesn't matter what a player's listed position is, only what position you play him at.

From: Rice

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102727.7 in reply to 102727.5
Date: 7/27/2009 12:01:58 PM
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Thank you, however, does that mean if i play a natural PF at the SG slot for that week he will also improve in OS as long as he plays SG?

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102727.8 in reply to 102727.6
Date: 7/27/2009 12:04:53 PM
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What do you mean by height only affects training speed? Is it faster/slower to train taller SGs for example?

From: IronDoofus

To: Rice
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102727.9 in reply to 102727.7
Date: 7/27/2009 12:05:49 PM
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If you're training OS for SG, whoever plays SG that week will improve in OS. How quickly they improve depends on a number of factors (height, age, etc.) but has nothing to do with their listed position.

From: CrazyEye

To: Rice
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102727.10 in reply to 102727.8
Date: 7/27/2009 12:28:57 PM
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small player learn the Guard skill faster(especially OD), and big players learn the center skills faster so size get a realistic factor.

From: Rice

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102727.11 in reply to 102727.10
Date: 7/27/2009 12:54:30 PM
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Thanks for everything guys!