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Cross Training

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103082.2 in reply to 103082.1
Date: 7/28/2009 9:06:50 AM
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it is maybe the easiest way to create a SF, but also it is hard to play him then out of position so i favour to take a small guy where the training later on makes fun because of fast ups.

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103082.3 in reply to 103082.1
Date: 7/28/2009 4:09:17 PM
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To make a well rounded SF, it makes sense to train a player as a big for a few seasons, then as a guard for a few seasons. I think this is what you are doing with Tellez, right? If so, it would be a great idea to find a second guy that fits the same general training plan.

Later on, the most difficult guard skills to raise will probably be OD, JR, and PS, so I would look for a young guy that is relatively high in those areas. His big man skills should also be decent already (especially ID). That's what I would look for at least :)

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103082.4 in reply to 103082.3
Date: 7/29/2009 3:03:21 AM
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wonderful advice, thank you