some teams in the league are way too far ahead of you. you have to focus on some short term and some long term goals.
long term goals: grow some homemade superstar in a couple of positions: ex. C and pf or pg and g. how to do it: focus on "smart training:" don't go and :
I have increased almost all my players in respect to their skills
this is a losing startegy on the long term, and sometimes on the short.
- get 3-6 trainees that have age and height suitable with a kind of training ( bigs or guards): ex. max 1.90 max 20 y.o. guards - min. 2.11 max 20 y.o. Bigs.
train them focusing on defense and shotting.
don't waste time on the others if you train those guys, you can always buy players you don't train.
build up your arena you are fully selling it with max prices. build build build.
this are minimum hints to start a good team. bbmail me for more detailed suggestions.
you can find me on msn:, talking directly is always better.