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113847.2 in reply to 113847.1
Date: 2/16/2010 10:14:19 AM
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Hi there !

What's up ? I don't know if it's the right place but I just wanted to stop by and say hi ! I'm a Lao neighbor, but I live in France. That's the reason why I'm interested in South East Asian teams.

What are the news in Thailand ?

Ôh vous, petits et grands managers ! Vous avez des soucis de communication ? BB-Mailer Mykah, expert en BB-Com" !
This Post:
113847.3 in reply to 113847.2
Date: 2/18/2010 8:40:02 PM
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Bon Jour, or should I say Sabai DEEEEEEEEEE...

The news from Thailand is that finally, after 7 seasons, it looks like the Thai community is starting to become a bit bigger and stronger. Both of our NT's made it out of the Asian Championship qualifying rounds, and it seems like there are 7 or 8 managers who are actively participating in the game, trying to improve their teams.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
113847.4 in reply to 113847.3
Date: 2/19/2010 5:07:43 AM
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Bonjour, Sa wad dee !
Sabai dee mai ?

That is one great thing for Thailand. If I knew that there was a Thai community, I would have come here in the first place. Asian community is not as developed as European ones, as a result teams can grow much more easily and quickly. When you stand by and take a look on the biggest nations, you can see how hard it is going to be to catch up with their performances.
If I can help the land of my ancestors it would be a honor ! Just let me know how !

"A+" like we say in France (meaning See ya later)

Ôh vous, petits et grands managers ! Vous avez des soucis de communication ? BB-Mailer Mykah, expert en BB-Com" !
This Post:
113847.5 in reply to 113847.4
Date: 2/19/2010 11:20:15 AM
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Your LOGO is much more beautiful then the cat before.:P

Pls enjoy! We are not Italy but we are enjoying with the few competition and communication we have.

This Post:
113847.6 in reply to 113847.5
Date: 2/22/2010 6:42:18 AM
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I think I'm going to delete my French account, and create a new franchise in Thailand to help you guy develop the community !
Is there a place for a guy like me ?! ^_^

Ôh vous, petits et grands managers ! Vous avez des soucis de communication ? BB-Mailer Mykah, expert en BB-Com" !
This Post:
113847.7 in reply to 113847.6
Date: 2/22/2010 11:33:48 AM
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We need more competition to make life of GACHAI more interesting..^^ but not alot of communication going on here..thats an understatement..So if you dont mind those than ...great..

This Post:
113847.8 in reply to 113847.7
Date: 3/25/2010 5:54:33 AM
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It has been more than a month since I've express the desire to join Prathet Thai ! And now that I'm here, I'll share all my acknowledge to make people feel comfortable with the game !

In real life, I work in press group that publishes several renown French magazine. For Prathet Thai community, I would like to publish a BB Thai community that will deal with NT and U21 results, but also the competition between managers in the most active leagues.

Do you think it'll be a good idea ?

This Post:
113847.9 in reply to 113847.8
Date: 3/27/2010 2:26:47 AM
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Anything to generate increased activity is a good idea, even for your neighbours. I still have yet to travel up north to play a game.

This Post:
113847.10 in reply to 113847.9
Date: 3/29/2010 5:47:43 AM
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"Even for your neighbors" made me think on an idea. Due to the low activity in several Asian nation teams how about building up a South East-Asian magazine ?

Plus, my team is open for a challenge ;).

Last edited by Pipat Kitamakin at 3/29/2010 5:48:09 AM

This Post:
113847.11 in reply to 113847.10
Date: 4/2/2010 9:47:37 AM
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Darn, my Forums link didn't alert me to a forum post addressed to me.

That's not a shabby idea at all, the forums in S.E.Asian countries are generally quiet. Maybe with the exception of the Philippines but there's barely any English there. Even coordinating training bases can be a headache for us small user base countries as there are barely any new talent or trainers coming in.

This Post:
113847.12 in reply to 113847.11
Date: 4/4/2010 11:41:25 AM
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I know that in Philippines, GM-Katchafire Collie had launched a magazine for its community. What about Malaysia ? Do you have any magazine or potential journalist ?

Last edited by Pipat Kitamakin at 4/4/2010 11:45:21 AM
