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Draft question

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119801.2 in reply to 119801.1
Date: 11/25/2009 11:43:32 PM
Aussie Pride
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The off season schedule can be in this help section. The draft isn't live its all based on how u rank your players when the edit draft order becomes available. You will have 2 weeks to rank your players prior to the draft.

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119801.4 in reply to 119801.3
Date: 11/27/2009 5:55:31 AM
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...but how do you determine which ones you have scouted once, which twice and which not at all?

What are the strategies? Is it better to have scouted a lot once or half as many twice or some sort of mix?

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119801.5 in reply to 119801.4
Date: 11/27/2009 5:57:48 AM
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thats random

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119801.6 in reply to 119801.4
Date: 11/27/2009 6:49:30 AM
Aussie Pride
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Its random but i'd rather have full info on as many players as possible. If they are scouted once u don't know whether they are 18 or 19 which is pretty important for ranking them.