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New season arena cap

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122870.2 in reply to 122870.1
Date: 12/15/2009 7:22:25 AM
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i build down normal seats just to build then instantly again ... Isn't it possible to say such things ahead?

And that you build expensiv seats wasn't a surprise in my eyes, this was mentioned even in diskussions about this solution before the rule get implemented.

Last edited by GM-kozlodoev at 12/15/2009 10:08:42 AM

This Post:
122870.3 in reply to 122870.2
Date: 12/15/2009 7:51:39 AM
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What are with teams like him: (77543.159) he needs nearly to seasons to build his arena back(a bit longer if you thing that he can start it from the beginning because he had first make his arena fit to the new enviroment), and build a lot of seats he never see any money for it - and in the end he again have an arena who didn't fit the standards without a chanche to regulate it because for that he had to stop his deconstruction.(and he is not the only one maybe the most extreme one)

Also team had to tax out total new price dimensions again, and also new dimensions for bleachers and "upper tie"(? don't remember the english name exactly) and there every failure is forever.

thats Bull.

Last edited by somdetsfinest at 12/15/2009 7:54:00 AM

This Post:
122870.4 in reply to 122870.3
Date: 12/15/2009 9:20:32 AM
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If BBs are going to screw up new things in arena planning in order to keep the economy balanced (?)... Why do not they just simply tell us how they want our arenas to be build and we play by changing prices??? Because, what we have seen in the last seasons is many arena plans (probably, team developing plans) being screw up for reasonable arguments so managers have to come up with a new plan for the only purpose of being, again(!), thwarted.

Give liberty to managers in arena planning have not being a good measure in the eyes of BBs because there seems to be very complex to manage the happy economy is aimed to reign in BB.

If that is the lesson we have been learning, why don you simply tell us about the *correct* arena size so we can play and have fun adjusting prices and enjoying the arena building process from lower leagues. Because now, what you are doing is screwing up the plans that many "established" players are creating to adapt to every new season change for arena. And that is NOT fun.

Now, with this unexpeced change, I need to retune my arena size so I ask you, again, allow the teams to deconstruct arenas. Maybe for a half-season period? So less people will get angry and more people will be able to correctly adapt.

On the other hand, I will ask you this time in order to avoid another unexpected change in the rules, if you are going to limit the lower-tie seats for any reason you think you should. Then, tell us now the "correct" size of it or assure us we will be able to deconstruc our arenas if that time happens to come in the future.

Last edited by Zero, the Magi. at 12/15/2009 9:24:24 AM

This Post:
122870.5 in reply to 122870.4
Date: 12/15/2009 10:27:23 AM
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Because now, what you are doing is screwing up the plans that many "established" players are creating to adapt to every new season change for arena.

say this to the managers who have to wait 1-2 season till their arena deconstruction is finished - they would be happy if the y could adapt that situation - and to be honest after the deconstrution i can not react anymore because i have planned another distribution and got to much bleachers for the new system - because now the money comes from the second highest area.

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122870.6 in reply to 122870.5
Date: 12/15/2009 12:26:12 PM
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I'm not happy with this adjustment, I'm filling all 650 courtside seats, now my revenue will go back.

And I do think this measure goes against the 'spectators/seats' - principle of BuzzerBeater

I would like the BB's to reconsider these 'arena' measures.

This Post:
122870.8 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 12:58:46 PM
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sorry charles, as you red the thread, could you answer to the original question that i posted in the first post? :)
will the refund be given immediately, or after a dismantling period?

This Post:
122870.9 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 1:10:01 PM
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The economics of the situation are not the important factor here. The salaries are tuned to total income, so if teams earn more then salaries just end up a little higher. The economy will work either way. TV contracts are linked in a global sense to the economic balance as well. In other words, BB can definitely survive without changing this balance - it's a change being made in order to make the setup more realistic-looking. This is why we're not trying to ask teams to make some calculation on how to reconstruct the arena or anything like that but rather just going in at the all-star break and handing them a refund for the seats.

are the economics salarys i pay depending on my team or the total economic? I understand that it was the second, so it was important to react on it, that i get similiar income like my competion, but outch i can not do it anymore ... Nearly every seat i build will made another one useless, so i had to wait "the double" time, and i am not totally sure maybe the risk that a vip place visitor didn't come because i hit the cap with cheap visitors. Thats a great shiny future for teams, who get punished now for the second time with the arena cap and this time we couldn't even react.

I planned to let 13k bleachers, becuase they give you the money back fast and get solid total income with expensive seats - now teams with few bleachers and lot of the second category own me "forever".

improving the drafting and scouting system for example. But we know that when it comes time to work on arenas, having teams with 5000 courtside seats is going to limit our ability to improve it, so we wanted to cut it off while we were affecting about 100 teams instead of at a time when we might be affecting thousands.

With the long period of rebuilding, which gives me first thousand of nunused new bleachers(and i still haven't my money back and in the past the money was worth a lot more), now those hundreds users get again a punch into face - and this time we don't see the ligth because we had to live with dumb decisions we made before who wasn't that dumb in that moment we made them. At least a new testing period, and maybe faaaaaaaaaaaast deconstruction could be helping. To get the new standard arenas.

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122870.11 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 5:43:50 PM
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Why don't implement the change right now? We will need time to re-calibrate the prices again, making us lost time and money. I'm tired to see that you are helping managers who doesn't risk time/money to improve, who only use the money to buy good players.

When you told us that all stadium managements were possible ways, it was not true. Now is being imposed on us almost the size of the stadium, with caps at two of the four areas. All these restrictions will allow teams of similar management arena and this limits freedom.

I'm not very happy about the news... Hope you can do something fair, Because if you give us the money back, that money isn't the same money (value) of the same amount 1 seasson ago or more.

Who cares?!
From: ned

This Post:
122870.12 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 6:40:27 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
I think the problem here was more an attempt to make things match up with realism. It just doesn't seem reasonable that there would be, say, 5000 "courtside" seats -- your fans would be suing you for false advertising.

Could I say that is up to you to balance better the fans without improve an "unrealistic" thing?
I could have also 5000 luxury seats but if only 50 fans will sit down I've simply wasted my money; I can go down with the price at 1 $ in that case probably they will be 200 then I can't do anything more till next season when if my team was "good" I will have not 200 but 300 fans (for example).

In any case this aspect is really marginal the most important thing is that the economy now is balanced; if basically the salaries didn't increase a lot and if the TV+merchandising+arena will be increased (as every season) I'm afraid that we will see again a small inflaction but we will see on Monday ;)

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