his a fair bit behind where he should be at if trained well. 21 yr old center at only 40 k .
id pop im as much as you until playoff time then sell him, hold on to the money till after the draft next season , use your draft + the wad of cash you will get from selling your guy 2 get 5 great 18 yr old trainees , then use the rest of your cash to either bring in some vet players for other positions, upgrade your arena.
ofcourse you could do a bit of both, you could also upgrade your trainer to ensure better training results.
also on further inspection of this player your running him off his feet, his getting 45 mins a game almost every game!
his gameshape is terrible because of this.
i suggest you find and read some threads on managing mins/gamesape and im guessing as your not managing mins correctly your prob not training efficiently either so maybe put some time in to reading some treads on training players aswell.
quick run down would be :
game shape- each week only play your players between 48-79 mins
training- to get full training a player must play 48+ mins in the position being trained, extra mins over 48 do not give extra training (so playing him 120+ mins is a complete waste)
another note is that he would play so much better if you managed his gameshape up to proficient so something to think about there.
Last edited by zyler at 1/11/2010 6:23:51 PM