Good proposal,the only think that I don't like so much is that the skills of the group B should be structure din a different way
Is,ID,Reb and Shot Blcking could be in a group and Stamina and Free Throws in another group or also not showed,because as your proposal is made,an high value of Stamina and Free Throws,that could be also strong,could give an high value to the skills of the "big mans",also if they have it very awful
Surely the sum of skill value that gives the ball in the various group should be related to the number of the skills in that group
If one group has 4 skill in it,and another has 6 skills in it,you should have different values to give the ball
Personally I like the recap of the game,I'd like to have it with the second observation
The las thing:if some week I cannot use my observator's point,it would be fair to store it at least for the rest of the season
Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/9/2010 7:29:42 AM