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Bleachers bug

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From: Kukoc

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133205.2 in reply to 133205.1
Date: 3/3/2010 5:18:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Did you change your lower tier price? You are aware of the 20k "cap" right?

From: LA-zajino

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133205.3 in reply to 133205.2
Date: 3/3/2010 5:34:40 AM
Nitra Corgons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Nitra Urpiners
well now i am, there are couple teams with 20k+ attendances so am i though.. i want to deconstruct my arena once again..

1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching
This Post:
133205.4 in reply to 133205.3
Date: 3/4/2010 10:31:12 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
It seems the bleachers indeed are replaced by Lower Tier sells. So, if you changed the Lower Tier prices, that's probably the reason.