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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Team to Standings bug

Team to Standings bug

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13813.2 in reply to 13813.1
Date: 3/8/2008 9:40:52 AM
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Still there.

This Post:
13813.3 in reply to 13813.2
Date: 10/18/2008 11:12:05 AM
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I love the search function hehe. Great lonely topic here though.

The 'bug' is still there, but I know what's wrong now.

After you have challenged someone for a scrimmage and the page reloads ("You have issued a challenge!"), then it somehow double pasts the teamid in the standings link.

So if you click at I.1 for example after you issued a challenge, and the team id of the user is 111112, the link is ..../standings.aspx?TeamID=111112111112, instead of ...../standings.aspx?TeamID=111112. That's why it sends you to your own standings page, since the double TeamID doesn't excist.