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139622.2 in reply to 139622.1
Date: 4/7/2010 1:08:51 PM
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I'm assuming you played Normal on Tuesday's game? If so, I would expect enthusiasm to be back to 5 by next update, or the update after that at the latest.
Remember that you didn't have 8.0 enthusiasm (well you might have), you probably had 8.x enthusiasm and so depending on what the x is plays a large part on how long it takes to get back to 5 enthusiasm after playing CT.

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139622.3 in reply to 139622.2
Date: 4/7/2010 1:19:23 PM
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he also might have had 7.5 enthusiasm, rounded down to 8. also when you're closer to 5 enthusiasm drops/raises slower. you would get from 4 to 5 slower than from 3 to 4. the OP should have just tied tuesday's game, cause it's a loss anyway if you have less than 5 enthusiasm and not CT'ing (unless you're facing a 3x weaker team).

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139622.4 in reply to 139622.3
Date: 4/7/2010 1:26:36 PM
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Does 7.5 enthusiasm appear as 8?? I was always under the impression that 8 = 8.0 to 8.99999 and 7 = 7.0 to 7.99999 etc. I have no proof of this, I just thought that seeing as game shape is programmed like that, it would make sense that enthusiasm was the same.

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139622.5 in reply to 139622.4
Date: 4/7/2010 1:33:13 PM
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i cant prove that 7.5 appears as 8. but i do believe it is rounded down. it's a computer, and mathematically 7.5 rounded down to 8. why would you even consider changing the rules to round down differently than computer does... i understand this is a weak argument, i could be wrong.

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139622.6 in reply to 139622.5
Date: 4/7/2010 2:00:29 PM
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You say rounded down, do you mean rounded up?

Also, in mathematics there is a "floor" command that makes any decimal value equal to the greatest integer smaller than the number. i.e. 7.89 = 7. So this could be used to do the rounding.

My only reasoning behind 7.5 appearing as 7 instead of 8 is because in terms of gameshape 7.5 appears as Respectable (7) and also in skills like Jump Shot etc, 7.5 appears as Respectable (7).

This Post:
139622.7 in reply to 139622.6
Date: 4/7/2010 2:23:02 PM
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You say rounded down, do you mean rounded up?

yes. a lack of english knowledge.

Also, in mathematics there is a "floor" command that makes any decimal value equal to the greatest integer smaller than the number. i.e. 7.89 = 7. So this could be used to do the rounding.

i haven't thought of that... also why do you think 7.5 appears as respectable (7)? :) i guess we won't know the truth :)

This Post:
139622.8 in reply to 139622.7
Date: 4/7/2010 3:06:17 PM
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What do you mean by why do I think 7.5 appears as 7? Are you talking about enthusiasm? Game shape? Skills like jump shot?

Well I am almost certain that the skills such as jumpshot only increase to Strong once you pass 7.99, it wouldn't make sense to have strong represent 7.5 to 8.5.

In regards to game shape, there is a post in the general forum (in the Managing Game Shape thread) where a BB stated that at the beginning of each season the game shape is reset to the lowest sublevel of Respectable. Therefore, everyones player will have 7.0 gameshape. He was using this to explain that even the slightest drop in game shape would result in a decrease from Respectable to Average, and to go from Respectable up to Strong gameshape you would have to increase by a whole level. And to go from Respectable to Proficient you would have to go up by 2 whole levels.

Therefore, 7.0 - 7.99 appears as 7.

I just found the post by BB-Pattrick.

Gameshape is being reset to the lowest possible value of respectable in offseason. This means that even the smallest drop will lead to a visual change from respectable to average, while the actual difference may be very small. This also means you'll need a full level increase before your players are shown as 'strong' gameshape, and two full levels before you reach proficient.

That is the link to the thread. It is (at the moment anyway) the very last post in the thread.

Last edited by Naker Virus at 4/7/2010 3:12:54 PM

This Post:
139622.9 in reply to 139622.8
Date: 4/7/2010 3:59:46 PM
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but they never said that the lowest possible is actually 7.0. did they? i am not arguing, that you are right on this. i am arguing that you cant know this for sure.

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139622.10 in reply to 139622.8
Date: 4/7/2010 6:22:04 PM
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this post is the slam dunk that ends this debate

great work for a virus

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139622.11 in reply to 139622.8
Date: 4/7/2010 8:58:39 PM
Syndicalists' BC
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In regards to game shape, there is a post in the general forum (in the Managing Game Shape thread) where a BB stated that at the beginning of each season the game shape is reset to the lowest sublevel of Respectable. Therefore, everyones player will have 7.0 gameshape.

Or, it could mean every player will start with a gameshape of 6.5, right? unless I've missed an indication by a BB of it starting at 7.0.

From: Kukoc

This Post:
139622.12 in reply to 139622.11
Date: 4/8/2010 12:02:48 AM
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If you used bbapi you saw GS of 6 at the start of the season. When it showed 9 in game, it showed 8 with bbapi. I did not check it this seasons start though. I think they made some improvements and it might show the correct numbers now.
