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Graphic Designers Forum

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141336.2 in reply to 141336.1
Date: 4/20/2010 7:29:28 AM
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That sounds good Some of the players are starting to look like clones haha

Its wearing on my mind...
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141336.3 in reply to 141336.1
Date: 4/20/2010 3:10:20 PM
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I was just thinking about this the other day. Good idea. BTW I might be considered a graphic designer and would be more than happy to help out.

Last edited by DonutDunker at 4/20/2010 3:11:37 PM

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141336.4 in reply to 141336.1
Date: 6/5/2010 12:03:47 PM
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Things that can be done graphically(within the existing frames and some connected to suggestions):

*Images in the drop-down menus
A lot of them are only the standard basketball and don't have a suitable motive.

*Player faces
Some more to keep the the diversity of players and personalities unique. This could include apparel such as headbands, goggles and so on..

*Sets for customizable Jersey option (If there ever will be such an option)
This needs cooperation between programmer and graphic designer

*The trading card idea needs a graphic designer. Could be incorporated in the same graphic layout option where your team jerseys would be (if it ever would be).

Always needed. Let's not just pull an Evony. Fooling people that are looking for halfnaked babes into the game is just lame. Although a cheerleaders inbetween game periods are a nice suggestion. But that's dance and has nothing to do with flowers and bees...

I am sure there are more, but these was the first to pop into my head. Feel free to add more.