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Shqipëria - II.3 > Great 8 V.S Big 8

Great 8 V.S Big 8

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143383.2 in reply to 143383.1
Date: 5/9/2010 6:08:41 PM
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mendoj qe big 8 all stars

dhe a mund te me tregosh cilat jane ato ekipe te zhvilluara :P

sepse une i di 2

Kb Albi dhe Burimis Team

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143383.3 in reply to 143383.2
Date: 5/10/2010 5:18:18 AM
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Perveq KB ALBI`T dhe Burimis Team jane te zhvilluara edhe The B-Boys dhe Kosovo - 3....kurse ne big 8 jane vetem 3 ekipe te zhvilluara BC the Legends kb 12 dhe Ali Demi Basket

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143383.4 in reply to 143383.3
Date: 5/10/2010 7:34:08 AM
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kosovo -3 eshte pak e zhvilluar ndersa the b-boys eshte duke e menaxhuar ekipin por deri me tani i ka bere vetem 2 perforcime te cilet e kane pagen per jave rreth 2000 shum te dobet dhe as lojtar nuk kaa shitur

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143383.5 in reply to 143383.4
Date: 5/10/2010 9:22:03 AM
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mire mire pra do ta shohim ne fund se kush ka pas te drejte....

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143383.6 in reply to 143383.5
Date: 5/12/2010 2:09:48 PM
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kush ka te drejte

siq thash un Big * 8 fitoi