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Suggestions > Trading picks

Trading picks

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147991.2 in reply to 147991.1
Date: 6/26/2010 6:13:07 AM
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the problem i had with this idea, is that it had to stay in the league because of the scouting ... But then we got a problem that in small/inactive leagues a draft pick has more value because there are few teams going for the best best youngsters, but because of few intrested teams you probadly don't get that much money like in the good league.

Another point is that is it a small market which makes it easier to cheat(the cheating control are mostly the users who report overprized trade, and for this trades league mate only would see it and not everybody report or check for it).

With this probs, i believe it is better we stay on the other way -> first draft and then buy the player on the global market.

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147991.3 in reply to 147991.2
Date: 6/26/2010 7:05:30 AM
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I thought about this aswell and you are right. The possibilities of cheating and malfunction is too high if you think about it. Sad because it would give another dimension to an allready great game. Thanks for considering the idea!

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147991.4 in reply to 147991.3
Date: 6/26/2010 10:03:49 PM
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I like the idea.