The list above is really good. And actually gives much hope on drafts when I look at it.
However, BB Malaysia is plagued with high turnovers and out of the 12 listed players, there are 4 players from inactive teams and 1 from a bot.
For the remaining 7 teams (not bolded), they are still active and can either train the next U21 player or sell them off.
(15028238) is under LaksaSarawak but potential is Star
(15028359) is under Tony#9 but is only starter potential
(15028223) is under A-team all-stars who is inactive (last active on 28th June)(15028195) is a giant at 7'5" but is under 76ersSSS who is a bot(15028360) is under Johor Tiger and has superstar potential
(15028179) is under malaysialfc who is inactive (last active 5th June)(15028411) is under Kaskus Banget and has superstar potential
(15028408) is under 18Mirage but potential is Star
(15028159) is under irbid cavs who is inactive (last active on 24th May)(15028166) is under KnightHawks who is inactive (last active 30th May)(15028346) is under The Vipers with all star potential.
(15028356) is under Pmtg 3RM with HoF potential
For those under inactive teams, I will urge TerFu to scout these players and see if they are worthwhile to be saved (enlisted in the U21 team so that the players will be in the transfer list when the team goes bot).
I have zero experience as an NT manager but I really feel that we only really need 12 players to play. I think there is a limit of 18 players. So the remaining 6 slots can be used for:
1. As alternative tactics when trying to exploit specific team's weakness. Say if we usually go Run and Gun, but a specific opponent is strong on the OD but weak on the ID, then we might want to deploy players with better inside skills.
2. As a spot to book potential players from going into retirement due to inactive teams.
I strongly feel that given Malaysia limited amount of users, we are really short on potential local players. And as mentioned by Phemomenal we need to correct this from the roots. So I urge TerFu to deploy Option 2 instead of using the extra 6 slots for Option 1. No point keeping players in the NT team who you will not be deploying for the whole season anyway. Better to book the 6 players slot for the potential future NT players.
If you are worried of wasting the slot, you can always share the skills of players from inactive team and see who would like to train them. Once we have a confirmed team interested (and have the money to buy from the transfer market), we can then enlist the player into the U21 NT team to save them from retirement. (QCS is already saying that he is looking for an outside local player with salary of more than $4K)
This will be a long term investment and will only have results at least in 2 season's time. But I believe it is the only option we have if we want a better future for our NT team.