In my opinion,there are three main questions on the economy,all connected among them
1-Best teams can't afford the best players...but not only the "farm players",they'can't afford a starting line-up with all 150k players,if they want to have a positive wekly balance(without cup and BBB,for sure)
2-The prices of the players with higher salaries,also if they aren't at the "farm levels",falls down,especially for the centers,so who have spend many time to train them,will have few money for their sacrifices,also in terms of results in all the competitions,and consequentely economical sacrifices.And with a chain reaction,falls down drammatically also the prices of all the playes,so every team is knocked by this situation
3-In many lower leagues,the level of incomes are too low for the competitivity reached by the leagues;if you see a II/III division of the greatest countries in BB,you can see that they have to afford great expenses not to win the league,but only to REMAIN in the league,and don't lose much money from a relegation in a lower division,where you are not sure to rise up again quickly...and theoretically these teams should buy the players of high level on the market,the players who aren't at the top level but are close to them,so diminuishing the money available on the market
There could be a solution,and it would be to reward the competitivity of the various leagues and of the various teams of the various leagues,in a greater way than with the TV contract(and merchandising) system...If you want to reach an economic balance,you can't give different possibilities to all the users,often penalizing the most skilled players that have less money to improve their teams and to fight in their countries...the weakest leagues quickly would be spurred to do better and better,so rising the incomes and the level of competitivity of their leagues...and more competitive is a league,lesser are the chances for a team to win all the games,so there wll not happen a risk of a never-ending rise of the incomes...