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From: Coach CC

To: Femi
This Post:
159854.2 in reply to 159854.1
Date: 10/7/2010 3:58:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Since there was alot of bots in league IV more than one team in your conference went up. And those two teams went up because one of them won the finals and the other had a better record than you.

This Post:
159854.3 in reply to 159854.1
Date: 10/7/2010 4:00:15 PM
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ACsxzq promoted because he won the championship. Then Zone Force promoted via bot cleanup because he had a high end of season record (21 wins and 1 loss)

This Post:
159854.4 in reply to 159854.2
Date: 10/7/2010 4:25:37 PM
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Since there was alot of bots in league IV more than one team in your conference went up. And those two teams went up because one of them won the finals and the other had a better record than you.

Actually, based on his record (20-2 and conference winner), I would guess there weren't a lot of bots in league IV last season. Here's the order of preference from BB-Charles for determining who gets promoted to replace bots: (158664.3). Based on the fact that he didn't promote, it means you had to at least win your conference, finish with a 20-2 record, and a better than 365 PD to bot-promote out of DV.

This Post:
159854.5 in reply to 159854.3
Date: 10/7/2010 6:08:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks, Naker Virus, I get it now!

Last edited by Femi at 10/7/2010 6:09:16 PM

This Post:
159854.6 in reply to 159854.4
Date: 10/9/2010 9:46:47 PM
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ACTUALLY, I don't care. I think everyone here knew what I meant. You don't have to correct everybody. These are based on opinions.