Thanks for the appreciation.
The 150K and 200K salary range you mentioned about to challenge top teams in Asia and WC respectively may be true at this point of time. But even if (which is a BIG if) we managed to achieve that in the future, I'd believe the salary range entry point will also be increased by then (by how much, I don't know).
The only way I think we can catch up with the big boys is a dramatic increase of super young Malaysian players over a few years' span, and coupled with the dramatic downfall (or stagnancy of improvement) of some top countries, which I doubt will happen. However, China was once a relatively light-weight in the World stage, but look at them now!
Good shout about the importance of increasing our U21 players' salary range average and about the training planning. That's the way to go for us to ever consider ourselves in the future as World's élite!
Salary range cannot increase so much. The reason is it is capped by starting skills, age, and trainer level. At this moment, I can tell you Italy pushes a lot its players, so no much room above. You can do a bit better with trainer, but to me you can have more by well developing skills and team instead of having superpaid players (although of course that can increase a bit). For instance, it is hard to have a team (but China) having 10 players, 2 per role, at top level. It is a far problem to Malaysia at this moment anyway
I am a bit less pessimistic on the second highligted point. It is most up to your good performances than to others' bad. It is hard to hit a high cap, as you need a good bucket of drafted talents (you have enough managers to have not so many, but a decent number of), a solid planning and execution of training avoiding lost talents (by bad training or lost managers), some luck (2 injuries x 3 weeks each and your talent will never be a top talent, to U21 at least). Easy? Definitely NOT. You need a lot of energy, solid method, good tools, fine scouts, solid management and coaching of all of them.
However, I want to repeat that you can improve a lot your current capabilities. Timeframe is two mandates, but first results are visible after first season, when you can compare current with former players, and look at talents pipeline.
Till an U21 (as my poor South Africa, with its 10-12 managers...) have room to include 20 yrs old player in the roster, it will have a lot of room to improve (as one season or 14 monorole trainings!!!).