Needless to say, the teams from Great 8 dominates the chart and within that is certainly more competitive than Big 8. Anyway, it is by no means the end to the spending on players this season. I believe that some of the teams will still be tinkering in the transfer market for "killer" players as the season progresses. My definition of these "killer" players is any player with wages above $120,000 per week! The top teams certainly have at least one of these "killer" players and a unique few even have more than one!
So far the season has been rather unkind to TAT as he has 3 players in the injured list and he's hard pressed to put out a decent team list in the next few games, which will almost affect some of his players' game shape. On the other hand, most of the top teams have been saving their enthusiasm for crunch matches later on. Strangely however, the game shapes of most players in the first week have not seen much improvement as compared to previous seasons despite curtailing their game time per week.
In summary, the usual suspects are still dominating the leagues and the newcomers need to up their ante (buying better than average players) if they want to be more competitive than now. Lastly will we see a team that breaches the $850,000 salaries per week this season? RedDevilz?