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From: CrazyEye

To: MJ
This Post:
179876.2 in reply to 179876.1
Date: 4/10/2011 5:23:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
It's about whole second half season that I have not any transfer and specially sale, but There is only a 0.5 ball there at Fan Survey. it just sometimes went up to 1 and next week down to 0.5 without any transfers.

the survey always have a random factor depending which fans you ask. So to explain a half ball difference, you don't need a reason.

Did you try to sell your players, currently i tried to sell two of them myself in the last week, and the survey drop from 4-4,5 to 2, or did you sell a lot of player in the first half of the season? Normally the fans need a while to get used to a new player and forget the old one.

From: MJ

This Post:
179876.3 in reply to 179876.2
Date: 4/10/2011 1:48:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

Did you try to sell your players, currently i tried to sell two of them myself in the last week, and the survey drop from 4-4,5 to 2, or did you sell a lot of player in the first half of the season? Normally the fans need a while to get used to a new player and forget the old one.

I sold my 3 Trainees at the beginning of the season and also 3 of my go0d players because I didn't need them any more. but the second half season I have no transfers or even set for TL because I reached my ideal and just lack of a C that I bought early second half season. anyway my stars are my Trainees who score about 30 points every time they play starter. they are my best players and I did not even put them in TL!

the freaky thing is that it changes between 0.5 and 1 ball constantly and never goes upper!

how about other parameters? such as TV game or Derby? if they get a certain number of balls it remains until next time it happen. for example I won my rival, after that I saw 5 balls at Fan Survey and it still remains and no changes even 0.5. I think if I lost that even by 1 point I would suffer seeing 0.5 ball every time I check Fan Survey :) what that happened about my TV game :)

but about transfers. if you have 5 balls then put your worst player in TL (which one is at end of the bench and never plays and get only 1k salary) suddenly it dropped huge down as you mentioned and it seems never want to rise up again! :)

From: MJ

This Post:
179876.5 in reply to 179876.4
Date: 4/12/2011 4:40:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
It's true.

swift how is your transfer parameter? is it like that I said to0?

From: Manouche

To: MJ
This Post:
179876.6 in reply to 179876.3
Date: 4/12/2011 7:02:58 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Look closely. You have sold 13 players this season, an entire team roster.
You are playing for 2 seasons and your transfer history page is as long as mine. You qualify perfectly for a constant 1 ball :) Not that it matters much. It will take some time to go up. Think of a real life GM with your transfer record, fans will need time to trust him to keep a stable roster.

This Post:
179876.9 in reply to 179876.8
Date: 4/13/2011 12:34:39 AM
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The "I am familiar w/ star players" is extremely flakey and right now for me, makes no sense.

It makes sense because the fans are mentally retarded. You sell a player, they're not happy. You don't sell a player, they're partially happy. So when are they completely happy? when you become a bot and there's no transfer at all :P

They're really really extreme and demanding...what to do...But I really couldn't give a monkey about this "I'm familiar with star players" blah blah nonsense. I mean the effect of this on merchandise or whatever it effects must be so minor.

Last edited by Samurai_Tungi at 4/13/2011 12:35:41 AM

This Post:
179876.11 in reply to 179876.10
Date: 4/13/2011 4:12:28 AM
Headless Thompson Gunners
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
My team went 22-0 regular season by an average score of 42 points
went 5 games deep in the Cup with a div IV team
beat our hated rival in the semi finals
won our first final by 54 points
and I can't get a full 5 balls out of my fans for
"I am pleased with the team's performance this season"

Last edited by Headless T Gunner at 4/13/2011 4:13:50 AM

This Post:
179876.12 in reply to 179876.11
Date: 4/13/2011 4:54:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
well, you didn't get league mvp title for one of your players. -0.5 ball for you :D
