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From: Megadez

This Post:
187148.2 in reply to 187148.1
Date: 6/12/2011 7:18:49 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

Welcome on BuzzerBeater!
Unfortunately you are only active team in your division for now. Others are bots or are becoming this.
You can find more conversations in the Global Lubnan BB Forum, here:

It's not really talkative but more than here
You can find there a guide to help you to know the basics of the game, mostly about training.
If you speak french, you can ask a tutor there, to help to to start in the game:

You can also try to ask in english, but you know that french and english language are not good friends!

By the way, as U21 National Team manager, i see that you have a great young player in your team

He is young, has a very good potential and a good salary, so he must be skilled and very promising! So if you train him well, he will increase quickly and be in young national team quite soon

From: Akamal

This Post:
187148.3 in reply to 187148.2
Date: 6/12/2011 1:47:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for your support :)

Al-Batal sleiman i think he is good talent. I bought an advanced trainer according to your post on the forum as superior is more expensive and i am going to train him Outside shooting.
I will send you his skill in BB-Mail.

I have question about the following post:

" New Training System

In response to many suggestions from our wonderful community, we are pleased to announce a supplementary training system to our existing training procedure!

Starting after today's update, and before the training update scheduled on Friday, April 8th, each team will be able to select one skill on one player for an additional "pop" (they will automatically rise to the next skill level). We hope this will make it easier to train high-priority players who otherwise can't get enough playing time.

We hope that this addition adds a new dimension to training, and we cannot wait to hear your feedback!

Click here to check out the new training system! "

Well I dont get what i could do with that training system. Thanks if you could help.

Thanks i will check the French Forum, Its okay for me french/english/arabic.

Thanks again and goodluck.

From: Megadez

This Post:
187148.4 in reply to 187148.3
Date: 6/12/2011 5:55:58 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Actually, this is a first of april news So, a joke from admins.

From: Jadoo

This Post:
187148.5 in reply to 187148.4
Date: 6/24/2011 8:45:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey megadez,
And Kamal,
The player you are talking about can become the best Lebanese players in 3 to 4 seasons if trained well..
So hopefully megadez will tell you how to train him properly .. if you cant or you dont know what to do, please sell him on the market .. you will get shit loads of money for him and im sure who ever buys him will train him properly because we dont have such high potential player unfortunately.. This guy can lead the First Team in his 5th season and already lost most of this season ... so either train him well with the advice from megadez or just sell him and make money from him.

From: Akamal

This Post:
187148.6 in reply to 187148.5
Date: 6/26/2011 1:17:17 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello Jadoo,

I am going to train the player. I am not looking for money as much as i could help our NT.

currently I am training him Jump shot & he pooped to average jump shot.

It will great If you or Megadez could help to put the player on the right track, I have send to megadez his skills & i will bb-mail his skills to you. ( i got advanced coach)

From: Megadez

This Post:
187148.7 in reply to 187148.6
Date: 6/26/2011 1:27:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated: