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Suggestions > Training Link Goes To Training?

Training Link Goes To Training?

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197431.2 in reply to 197431.1
Date: 9/30/2011 3:57:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
actually, the information on the roster page is more interesting and important, so the link to the roster page is quite useful for checking both game shapes and skillups.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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197431.3 in reply to 197431.2
Date: 9/30/2011 4:10:44 PM
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But he does have a point, because you want to check the skill-ups of your players and on your roster page you have to check the players one by one, whereas on the training page you have the list "player X popped in driving from ___ to ___". What would be useful would be to have a little page with your players' gameshape on the training page. Then it would definitely be better to link to that page instead of the roster

From: abigfishy

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197431.4 in reply to 197431.3
Date: 10/1/2011 5:36:01 PM
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+1 this makes sense

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197431.5 in reply to 197431.1
Date: 10/1/2011 7:00:56 PM
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I think it would be useful if the link for the weekly training news item ("X has reported that this week's training, which focused on Y, is complete") went to the Training page instead of the Roster page.

NOOOOOO, don't ruin the suspense as I scroll down to see if there are any green arrows!

My inner monologue after clicking that link goes something like this:
Ugh, crappy GS update on him....not bad....not bad...oh, for crap sakes....ooh, proficient, nice...good, good...nice....WHAT THE HELL, POP ALREADY YOU IDIOT...ok, there's a pop, not what I wanted but I'll take it....what, you either? THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR FOULING OUT, STUPID...ok, proficient...strong, I'll take it... Well, ten weeks and no cross-training pops, what a sham.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.