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Training my young Center

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From: A1R

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198293.2 in reply to 198293.1
Date: 10/11/2011 10:43:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1 position training will always train skills faster. You should do some ID don't train shot blocking it will go up from time to time if you train ID. What is his ID level. It should be at like 11+

From: All2Fresh

To: A1R
This Post:
198293.3 in reply to 198293.2
Date: 10/11/2011 11:42:51 PM
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I rarely train ID he has an 8 for ID, and his Blocking is at a 4.

This Post:
198293.4 in reply to 198293.3
Date: 10/12/2011 1:27:56 AM
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I suggest you train his ID at least to Prolific. Since both RB and IS are three levels higher than ID, the ID training will go a bit faster than usual.

Also if you leave ID at the level it is now and train just IS, you will be training IS at a bit slower pace since lower ID will drag him down (elastic effect).

However, ID training will drag down SB level of four, so I'd suggest to up SB to at least 6, then ID to 11 and then continue with other inside abilities. I think SB and ID will train really fast for you, especially if you use 1-position training (SB and/or ID should somewhere probably pop even twice in a row).

This Post:
198293.5 in reply to 198293.1
Date: 10/12/2011 4:58:27 AM
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i moved this to the help forum.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 10/12/2011 4:58:45 AM

This Post:
198293.6 in reply to 198293.4
Date: 10/13/2011 1:28:42 AM
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Sounds great, I will do that after this last training session ends :D

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198293.7 in reply to 198293.5
Date: 10/13/2011 1:29:49 AM
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Thanks!!! :D