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PG's w/ no JS

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198814.3 in reply to 198814.2
Date: 10/18/2011 12:09:22 AM
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It depends on what type of offense you like to play. If your team plays an inside type offense it will matter alot less than if youre running motion.

I usually run Look Inside and my point gaurd only shoots about 10 times a game.

From: zyler

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198814.5 in reply to 198814.1
Date: 10/18/2011 12:21:03 AM
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no offense to oggs but his player is a terrible example of what a and od/passing guard can do

his player fouls far to much limiting his effectiveness on the court
his player played far too many mins , so his game shape is poor reducing his effectiveness
he plays his other players far too much , causing there game shape to suffer reducing there effectiveness in turn limiting the amount of assists his player could get.
he also ran outside offenses with this guy playing 48 mins ofcourse his stat line would be terrible.

pass first defensive point guards have there place in this game on look inside/low post teams

it helps to keep salary low so you can have more effective big men

this is a far more effective pass first defensive guard when used properly n kept in good game shape.

notice those assist numbers and ratings :)

Last edited by zyler at 10/18/2011 12:23:29 AM

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198814.7 in reply to 198814.5
Date: 10/18/2011 12:50:15 AM
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I'm with Oggagala on this one. It seems like under the circumstances that you have it would be better to pass on the PG with no offense.

From: zyler

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198814.8 in reply to 198814.6
Date: 10/18/2011 1:01:53 AM
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im not disagreeing with you just saying your example of a pass first pg is terrible , if you look at the one i showed you can see what i mean

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198814.10 in reply to 198814.1
Date: 10/18/2011 3:14:04 AM
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My PG has respectable JS and strong JR and he is shooting 42% FG and 333% 3FG

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198814.12 in reply to 198814.1
Date: 10/18/2011 10:54:07 PM
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Second Team:
Smallfries II
As many others have said its about what kind of offense you play. Every type of player has their niche in the game. If you will be running a LI or low post all season then he could be a good player to have. OD is a must regardless of the PG though. I know how you like to run your team and i think he would fit in very well with your team. He could also be a good player to have for a patient offense. However, if you get a guy like him i would suggest have a SF and SG who can shoot to make up for the loss.Good passing and defense can go a long way though.
