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From: Tangosz

To: kpd
This Post:
202158.2 in reply to 202158.1
Date: 11/11/2011 6:22:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Well one thing to consider is that if you lose an away game, then your fan survey will take a hit, making your next home game have less attendance (possibly, depends on your # of seats and pricing). So if you only want to win 1 game in a week, it can be reasonable to try and win the away game.

Of course, what about your home game opponent? Do you need to normal them to win, or can you TIE?

From: Lucifer

To: kpd
This Post:
202158.3 in reply to 202158.1
Date: 11/11/2011 10:31:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Well depends on how much higher your enthusiasm is and how much higher your GS is. Also, if you win, how much will your team benefit from it i.e. how important is this win for you. Accordingly I would TIE or play Normal.


"Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it."
From: kpd

This Post:
202158.4 in reply to 202158.2
Date: 11/12/2011 1:36:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I knw i can beat my home opponent this is the only team i think thats better then me on my side of the league... the rest are the same as mine so since im playing at home i think i should win those....... n my ENT is at 8 n he has been playing normal since the beginning of the season so his is at 5..... n GS is like this for our starters:
My team His Team
PG Strong 8k Mediocre 14k
SG Respectable 8k Mediocre 19k
SF Respectable 18k Respectable 14k
PF Strong 15k Mediocre 11k
C Strong 32k Mediocre 60k
He runs base n m2m and his ratings are inept in everything except IS ID n OS
I play the same offense defense n my ratings are Mediocre OS OD Average IS ID Mediocre RB and Inept OF