We were both 15-7 last year, he had better PD. I WON in the playoffs against him.
I won the first game by larger margin, so I was AHEAD of him in standings by the time we got to this game.
Why does he get nearly 100k more arena?
Because he wasn't relegated and you were and we answered you in another thread.
I'm seriously considering why its worth playing a game when 'randomness' and 'hidden stats/calculations' determine that I get injuries for the last 4 games, straight, in the first quarter, on key players.
Please quit the game. We are all conspired against you.
Its too much nonsense for me. If he makes 20k more or something, fine. but 3k more seats sold the first home game when I am ahead in standings? That is atleast 60k in revenue. And the game after that the gap is over 100k, most of last season the gap was this. Thats over a million more a season to spend.
And you didn't get your million for promoting?? You're on equal terms with him.
That is too much to give a guy for winning on PD and losing in teh playoffs. Too much. something is wrong.
Nope. It's all good. It's just wrong for YOU. God is punishing you for your bitching :)