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Suggestions > Ticket Prices

Ticket Prices

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From: Kukoc

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204120.2 in reply to 204120.1
Date: 12/7/2011 9:26:16 AM
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What happens to planning beforehand? This has been discussed several times already. You need to analyze your schedule (you ability to win or lose, taking into account your schedules toughness until the next ticket price change) and set the optimal price. With changing prices every week, the management part of arena get's tossed out of the window. No gain for the guys who can successfully evaluate the upcoming schedule. No chance to fail.
You can always set the price very low, so you make the same money every time you play at home (if you don't like fluctuation).

From: Mayeah

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204120.3 in reply to 204120.2
Date: 12/7/2011 9:43:57 AM
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I know, but in the other hand, we are trying here to do it in a more realistic way.
Well, I know it was suggested some time ago, and not only once, but could not find it, so I posted and suggested it in a weekly update.
(I only remember suggestions with changing it at any time or monthly).

This Post:
204120.4 in reply to 204120.3
Date: 12/7/2011 9:59:47 AM
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Well, it´s pretty unrealistic to lower the prices in between two games, just because you have been losing. Most sports franchises set their prices at the beginng of the regular season and maybe again for cup challenges or the playoffs, but in between prices are pretty constant. A sudden drop of the fees just because you´re on a bad streak would p*** off the guys buying their tickets in advance for a lot of money IRL, woudn´t it?

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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204120.5 in reply to 204120.4
Date: 12/7/2011 10:08:10 AM
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Well, in that case do not mind me :D.
And I was not talking about me btw, just a concern I had for long time ago and never posted it.
