uch everything might happen (underachieving: 0 balls, overachieving 0-5 balls, fans are complicated at times)
The categories for rivalry, TV Game and the consistency and activity of the management more or less stay the same, just that in rivalry and TV Game home and away aswell as ranking position of the opponent get recognized.
The "last game" is reduced in importance. Yet, active streaks (win / loss) should get an influence on this, following the "the more, the merryer" method (3 game winning streak is better than just the last game won).
The mixture of the different factors should still vary between the different "fans" on a random basis, as might any fan give his personal preferrence in the rating of different factors by a standard deviation of roughly 20%.
The maximum income for home games now is a multi-influence effect:
(a) Fan Survey, telling something about the Mood.
(b) Season prediction - setting the expectation of the fans this determines how much the fans are willing to pay max and how willing they are to get to the game when the team is close to the seasons task or even overachieving.
(c) Ticket prizes.
Coming back to Dr. Christophers´ suggestion about "Game Shape re-adjustment" you might grant players on teams who are close to their teams task a little GS bonus (.4 or something like that) or slightly overachieving a smaller GS Bonus (0.2), as they gather confidence into the team and its´ management.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 1/28/2012 4:46:08 PM
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